We communicate updates related to the WHO treaty and the IHR via the news page. As we are a very small team without professional translators, these updates will be english only.
THESE AMENDMENTS ARE UNACCEPTABLE I have FINALLY obtained an unofficial document that appears to be an updated version of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Please read it and share it far and wide. Details
Ein weiblicher David gegen den WHO-Goliath
Dr. Silvia Behrendt, Gründerin der „Global Health Responsibility“ und früher Beraterin der WHO ist eine gewichtige Stimme, wenn es um die WHO-Verträge geht. Sie meint, die WHO ist drauf und dran, internationales Recht zu brechen. Darum schrieb sie einen offenen Brief an den Generaldirektor.
The ‘Negotiating Text’ of the new WHO Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness and Response: An Initial Analysis and Underexamined Points of Concern - Opinio Juris
"Even if negotiations of the Pandemic Agreement are stalling at the WHO, and it appears unlikely that there will be a fully negotiated treaty for states to sign and ratify in May 2024, the authors think it important to begin public discussions at WHO and within its member states about the biomedical, securitised approach to pandemic preparedness and response, ideally informing a thorough and independent critical evaluation of the WHO’s and its member states’ response to the Covid-19-PHEIC too."
Es gibt nun eine deutsche Übersetzung von WHO-CA+ Neogotiating Text Version vom 30.10.2023. Zu finden auf der Seite coronaquest.de oder direkt hier als PDF